The goal of the organizers of this symposium, representing the business, educational and research community, is to unite efforts and foster the development of innovative and creative projects on the basis of sustainable practices and models of interaction in view of protecting food security and preventing an imminent massive food crisis both within our country, and outside its borders.
Rector of Trakia University
- Greetings from the officials
- Prof. Dr. Dobry Yarkov, Rector of Trakia University – Stara Zagora and Prof. Dr. Darina Zaimova, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs: “Food security, sustainable agricultural systems and smart technologies for climate management”
– Д-р Айтен Байрам Сабри, „Актуални проблеми на устойчивото развитие
- Prof. Dr. Habil. Evgeny Sachev, guest lecturer at Trakia University: “The contemporary concept of food security”
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Penev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Trakia University: “Economic and social aspects in the field of food security”
Dr. Bozhidar Dimitrov
Dr. Stefan Stefanov
- Prof. Dr. Vladko Ivanov “Management of the food security system under crisis”
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krasimir Koev “Current problems of health security
- Dr. Nikolay Trifonov “Impact of the migration situation on food security”
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teodora Petrova “Smart systems in livestock breeding for providing food security”
- Prof. Dr. Ilin Savov “Food security – challenges and opportunities for the future”
- Angel Mavrovsky “Importance of the disappearing East Balkan Swine for introducing innovations in Bulgarian pig breeding”
(+359) 42 699 204
The working language of the National Symposium with an International Scope “Food Security and Sustainable Development” will be Bulgarian
The materials from the symposium will be published in special proceedings.
Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided for international guests and participants